Blood pressure is the force or pressure that the blood experts on the walls of blood vessels. When the left ventricle contracts and pushes the blood into the aorta, the pressure produced is called systolic pressure.
In adult it is about 120mmHg. When complete diastole blood pressure. In adult it is about 80mmHg. Atrial blood pressure is measured by use of a sphygmomanometer and is usually expressed with systolic pressure written above the diastolic pressure.
Blood pressure = systolic pressure/diastolic pressure
                           =120/80 mmHg
Control of blood pressure is very important. If it is too high, blood vessels can be damaged causing clots or bleeding from the site of blood vessel damaged. If it falls to high, then the blood flow through tissue beds may be inadequate, which may be partially dangerous for such as viral organs as heart, brain, kidney etc.
Blood pressure is the result of two parameters
1. Cardiac output
2. Peripheral resistance
  Blood pressure = cardiac output X peripheral resitance